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5715 N Cattletrack Rd
Scottsdale, AZ, 85250


Clouds (2013-on)

CLOUDS (2013 - present)


An 'ode to the clouds in the sky', these paintings are my attempt to give fresh perspective with a referential nod to the age-old skyscape genre that includes artists like John Constable in England and the French Romantics. I aspire to create a new skyscape art for today, one that invites us to connect to the greater universe from our place in it, especially in this busy 'digital age'. I'm constantly looking at the clouds and have taken tens of thousands photos of clouds over the years as source material for my work. There is something about the exact moment in which I look up at the clouds and something in me ignites - that I want to capture it again and again. In this process I have asked questions like: What is it like to be in the clouds? Where to they originate? How can we truly experience the clouds? What do the clouds say to us? What is the nature of a shared consciousness that includes us and the clouds? Why do certain clouds appeal to us - why this cloud, and not that cloud? But ultimately, I am not content to simply depict a portrayal of a sky or cloudscape in these paintings. Moreso, I am driven to convey the deep feeling that arises out of a personal experience of the grandeur and power of the sky, or universe if you will, at any moment in one’s life. This is a spiritual experience that joins our interior world with the exterior world, the individual with the infinite, and gives our lives context, perspective and meaning.